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  • Writer's pictureGrace

Two little monkeys at Mill Race Park

It all began with a session giveaway 3 years ago. I was connected with a family with two twin boys. We hit it off and now we see each other each year for their family photos. Now the boys are three and they wear tiny cargo shorts and boats shoes. They love to run and play and they really like me.

This year we met at Mill Race Park. I love this location for the tree tunnel, covered bridge, and pond. The only bummer was the gnats. Even though it was pretty buggy, the boys were troopers and gave me some great smiles. The boys had been practicing their smiles and were pretty great listeners. They raced daddy and jumped off benches and kicked dirt - you know, kid things.

I can usually keep kids entertained for 30-45 minutes and I mostly take candid photos. As the boys were getting squirrelly, their mom pulled out a second outfit. Her shirt said "this is my circus" and the boys both had shirts that said "monkey." The boys were pretty over photos by this point, but I think their expressions compliment the shirts even more.

When I gave them their final gallery, I got a text from Kelly. The boys were upset with their photos because I wasn't in any of them!!

Brian and Kelly, thank you for trusting me to photograph your family each year. It is a pleasure to watch your babies turn into sweet, fun-filled, and polite little men.


Check out more of our family sessions here.



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