Wow! Thanks to all of you who attended my recent First Friday Gallery opening last week, it was a huge success and I can't stop smiling when I think about it. It took weeks of blood, sweat, and tears to prepare all of the photos for this event (Though I procrastinated most of it until crunch time per usual...), but I could't have done it without the help of several people.
I want to give a special thanks to DJ's Sweet Retreat for filling my very unique request for specialty cookies. It's not everyday someone comes asking for cookies designed like cameras and underwear, but DJ's Sweet Retreat went above and beyond to make my dream cookies for this event. Just take a look at those tasty works of art below!
Of course I couldn't have done it with the help of Kevin and my mom, Kim. On the day of the opening, Kevin and I rolled into town from of Florida road trip with approximately 4 hours to hang photos, decorate, and gather the food and beverages for the event. Kim brought the awesome cookies and some beautiful flowers and Kevin took care of the food and drink. Meanwhile, I was scrambling to put all 36 of my photos on the wall. We pulled it off though, and it turned out fantastic!
None of this would have been possible though if it wasn't for the amazing folks who operate the Dimensions Gallery, a part of the Artisan Alley. Working with people who are so dedicated to art and helping artists thrive was inspiring to say the least. I look forward to being a part of this growing community for a long time to come.
Check out some of the photos from the event below, or just stop by the Dimensions Gallery and check it out yourself! This gallery will be up for the entire month of May.